Convenience stores should stop selling porn / mags, especially stores owned by Catholics.
Faith in Marketing is a business. And it’s owned by Catholics. Much of what we do is online. It’s impossible for us to imagine selling porn from our own website, or even from the trunks of our cars. If any one of our clients discovered that we were selling porn, they’d immediately stop using us, the word would get around, and we’d be out of business in a heartbeat.
Yet most people have no problem buying a coke or bag of chips from a store that sells pornographic magazines and other media… even stores owned by Mass-going Catholics.
It’s understandable why a convenience store owner chooses to sell porn. Because people buy it. And when customers come in for it, they also buy other products. The profit from those sales then supports the store, the owner’s family, the employee payroll, house and car payments, etc.
But it’s not the right thing to do.
Ask ANY random priest, “What’s the most common confession from men?” And he’ll say right back to you, “Porn.” And from women, the guilt from porn use is not #1 on the list, but it’s still up there.
That’s unfortunate, and it’s damaging.
If you’re a store owner, look deep within yourself and consider making an important change in your store, in your life, and in the lives of others. Thank you.