Customized Apparel

- BIG IMPACT: Each piece of apparel can include an image on the front AND back up to 20” wide & 28” tall! Printing on two sides costs just a bit more than one side.
- MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM: We offer many styles from performance t-shirts for athletes to hoodies and pullovers for cooler weather.
- COLOR GALORE: We can apply up to 14 colors per side!
- GRADIENT PRINTING: Your design can include solids and gradient colors. Your gradient will fade from one of your chosen colors to another. Or from one of your colors to nothing / fade out.
- FINISHING: Of course we fold your new shirts… and you can add additional services like bagging and product tagging for sports club or retail sales.
- QUALITY: We feature top-quality fabric in a variety of colors. When choosing your fabric color and style, think not only about your corporate colors and brand, but also how / where the shirts will be used.